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Soil Erosion Control

Soil Erosion Control Is a Must for Every Homeowner and Landowner

Soil Erosion Control can be integrated into new and existing landscapes to prevent soil from washing away. Land clearing and new home construction are typical causes of erosion. In many cases, the Soil Erosion Control Methods used will not only prevent the soil from washing away, but will improve the landscape by retaining valuable soil nutrients. Consult local regulations--many communities now have strict ordinaces for preferred methods for erosion control for certain land practices.

MPR Supply Has Drainage Products to Help Control Soil Erosion

There are 3 Types of Erosion and Sediment Control:


  1. Mats and Screens - will help soil from washing away. Mats impregnated with grass seeds can be laid immediately after the completion of any dirt work that has disturbed the topsoil. Once installed, the mats must be kept watered. The impregnated seeds will begin to sprout within a matter of days and, within a few weeks, a layer of new grasses will have taken root in the soil. Use plastic or wooden open mesh screens -- held down by plastic or wooden stakes -- to cover freshly laid mulch to hold the material in place.
  2. Contoured Earth - Soil can be contoured (curved) on gentle slopes to slow or control the flow of water. You can also push rock walls and logs into contoured barriers to maneuver water to planned flow areas. A pond may also be dug to hold water back from running too quickly into delicate soil areas. The water can then be allowed to slowly dissipate by evaporation or through leach lines buried in the lower areas.
  3. Permanent Structures - Construction of permanent barriers, such as stacked rock and poured concrete walls, is used to control heavy water runoff. Permanent barriers may also be incorporated with drainage ponds and overflow drains to remove the water at a regulated rate. These types of controls are the most expensive and are typically used for sites in heavy residential and commercial areas
Preventing soil erosion is always preferable to attempting to control or reverse it later. By following these steps for Soil Erosion Control, you can do your part in maintaining and preserving our environment


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