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Landscape Maintenance

5 Tips for Easy Landscape Maintenance

Landscaping Maintenance Options for Busy Homeowners

Landscape maintenance of a beautiful lawn and garden landscaping oftentimes can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially for a busy homeowner. Watering and mowing the lawn consume a great deal of yard care time, but by implementing low-maintenance landscaping practices you can reduce your watering needs and minimize the amount of grass you must mow. Here are some suggestions if you are serious about wanting an easy, low or no lawn maintenance or garden maintenance landscape.

MPR Supply Has Water Features, Hardscape Features, Landscape Lighting and Outdoor Accessories for Easy Lawn and Garden Landscaping


5 Tips for Easy Landscaping Maintenance


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  1. Automatic Irrigation Systems Are Very Low-Maintenance

    Automatic irrigation systems are convenient, can save you money, and help in water conservation. They can be programmed to discharge precise amounts of water in a targeted area, which promotes water conservation; and take absolutely no time on your part once programmed.

  2. Clover or Moss as an Alternative to Grass

    Clovers are drought-tolerant, insect-resistant, and compete well with weeds. Moss can be used as an alternative in shady spots where grass refuses to grow. Neither has to be mowed frequently, making these low-maintenance plants a superb substitute for grass.

  3. Rock Gardens for No-Maintenance Landscaping

    Rock gardens typically contain drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants, and the rocks themselves offer a décor that never needs to be watered or tended to in any way!

  4. Mulch: Low-Maintenance Landscape Hero

    Mulch is one of the unsung heroes of low-maintenance landscaping. It is highly portable and malleable! If you have a problem area for which there seems to be no other solution, mulch is your answer. An application of mulch can reduce your watering needs significantly; and also suppresses weeds, making yard care much easier.

  5. Drought-Tolerant Perennials for Easy Landscape Maintenance

    Using drought-resistant, low-maintenance, “water wise,” perennial plants are an attractive landscape idea for a sunny area. Most perennials are self-propagating, self-maintaining and require little water.

Once you implement these low landscaping maintenance ideas, you will be able to relax and enjoy in the beauty of your beautiful lawn or garden landscape.

MPR Supply Carries Irrigation and Landscaping Products for Contractors and Homeowners. Place Your Order Online Today.

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