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Erosion Control Measures

Erosion Control Measures Keep Soil in Place,
Where It Should Be

Erosion Control Measures are the techniques of controlling soil erosion to prevent water pollution and soil loss.  Erosion control is an action taken by homeowners and farm owners to prevent the destruction and loss of soil caused by the natural effects of wind, rain and excessive water on the soil surface.  Municipalities, businesses and corporate campuses all require erosion control on their properties and either have staff or hire Erosion Control Contractors or professional landscapers.

Read About Other Soil Control Practices That Work

Effective Erosion Control Methods

There are many different types of Erosion Control Measures that are harmless to your surrounding landscaping and gardens. You can get excited and do your part by using the following products to help control soil erosion:

  • Fiber Mulch Mats - are the most common source of erosion control used on residential sites that are suffering from erosion. The mats are made of small fiber particles that interlock together to keep moisture in your topsoil by acting as a top coating and not let water, wind or ice penetrate through if the moisture is not needed.


  • Erosion Control Matting – generally made from just, wood, straw, mulches, fiber and other organic materials, it is used to reduce the effect of erosion by assisting in the formation of vegetation as it increases water infiltration; landscaping fabrics are frequently used in landscaped areas.


  • Erosion Control Blanket – are usually woven from a rough material, such as jute and straw, and is meant to slow down the speed at which water moves across the surface. The blanket has lots of ridges and obstructions to slow down the water easing erosion.


MPR Supply Carries Drainage Products to Help Control Soil Erosion

Erosion Control Solutions

Methods to enrich whatever soil is present are also covered under Erosion Control Solutions. One example is keeping the land fallow, like most Asian farmers do. Here, after three or four successive seasons of farming, the land is kept free of planting for one season. During this time, the soil can regenerate some of its nutrients. Another method is to grow a single crop before the main cropping season in order to provide nutrients to the soil. Growing a leguminous (bean) crop can provide nitrogen to the soil because these crops can harbor the beneficial nitrogen-fixing Rhizobi in their root nodules. Another example is Mucuna puriens, a crop that adds phosphorus to the soil.

MPR Supply Has Landscaping and Irrigation Products to Fit Your Need. Place Your Order Online Today.

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